Bosch IoT Rollouts

Manage software module types

The software module type defines whether a software module is allowed to contain either firmware or software artifacts, and ensures the type compatibility concept.

The type of each created software module is displayed in the software module details view.

It is important to consider the software module type when assigning software modules to a distribution set.

For example:

  • one distribution set can contain only one software module of the firmware type

  • one distribution set can contain multiple software modules of the software type.

For every tenant, there are two system-created software module types available by default - Application (of type software) and OS (of type firmware), as you can see on the screenshot below.

However, you have the possibility to create additional software module types - with different names, keys, etc. but still falling within one of the two main categories (Software or Firmware).

View software module types

To see the full list of the available software module types, open Software Modules from the main navigation menu on the left, and then select images/confluence/download/thumbnails/3469515055/chip-version-1-modificationdate-1695218830000-api-v2.png Types from the sub-navigation menu.

By default, this list provides information in two columns - Name and Description. However, you can add more columns and later reset them to their default state via the reset button in the menu which opens through the Configure columns images/confluence/download/thumbnails/3469515055/settings%281%29-version-1-modificationdate-1695219066000-api-v2.png icon. As usual, there is also a search bar for the available columns.


When you select a software module type on the list, its basic properties will be displayed on the right.


Create a custom software module type

To create a custom software module type, click the + icon in the command bar (in the top right area of the screen).

This will open the Add software module type dialog where you should fill in the required information.

In addition to the Key, Name, and optional Description, you should specify the category of this new software module type, i.e. Firmware or Software.


Delete a custom software module type

On the list of software module types, select the one you want to delete.

Then, click the software module type actions images/confluence/download/thumbnails/3469515055/wrench-version-1-modificationdate-1708337815000-api-v2.png icon in the top right area with software module type properties.

Click the Delete from the drop down menu.


In the dialog that opens up, confirm with Delete.

Таке into consideration that a software module type can be soft-deleted (if it is already assigned) and can not be recreated with the same Key or Name. For more info, see Entity soft deletion.