Bosch IoT Rollouts

2024-09-26 - Hello, World! System Software Update


We are thrilled to introduce the initial release of System Software Update (SOUP), a new extension to Bosch IoT Rollouts. SOUP empowers you to roll out updates across multiple interconnected devices, ensuring compatibility by accounting for interdependencies among them. Imagine a smart home equipped with a variety of sensors and actuators, all communicating via the same protocol. When it's time to update this protocol, every device must be updated to maintain compatibility and functionality. With SOUP, Bosch IoT Rollouts can be extended with advanced capabilities to manage system-wide updates and identify compatible updates for specific systems. The initial version of SOUP includes the following features:

System repository


  • System management: Manage systems consisting of a gateway and multiple updatable and non-updatable modules.

  • System identification: Algorithm and options on how a system is identified by a set of modules.

  • System lifecycle: Handle creation of systems and modifications on the set of modules within the system.

For more information see SOUP System

Recipe management


  • Recipe lifecycle: Differentiates between draft, release-candidate (limited access for testing), released and retired.

  • Impact assessment: See the coverage a recipe (i.e. system update) has in the field to understand the impact and risk.

  • Recipe tagging: Assign tags to recipes for easier filtering and organization.

  • Signatures: Detect undesired modifications of released recipes when sending via an untrusted channel (e.g. a mobile app). Integration with Sign & Encrypt available.

  • Recipe file: Customizable recipe transformation to a format which is understood by the system's gateway.

For more information see SOUP Recipe

System update management


  • Recipe match: Identify the latest matching recipe for a specific system.

  • Flexibility: Enable online and offline update scenarios.

  • Update history: Track the system update history including the respective module updates.

  • Compliance: Concepts to support the delivery of release-notes and retrieval of user consent.



  • Graphical user interface for managing systems, system actions, and recipes.

  • HTTP/REST APIs (with Swagger documentation), in particular:

    • a user-facing API for managing and listing content,

    • a device facing API exposing recipes and software to be installed on systems.

For more information see SOUP Management UI and SOUP API Reference

Authentication and authorization

  • Bosch.IdM integration

  • Bosch IoT Rollouts Auth - OAuth2 clients

  • Bosch User Hub + Single Key ID

For more information see SOUP Authentication and authorization