Bosch IoT Rollouts

System Software Updates: Recipe export

New features

  • ROLEX-1615: Make status of current running system-match jobs visible in the API
  • ROLEX-1615: Display banner in System details view if recipe match for this system is scheduled or ongoing, indicating that displayed data may be outdated
  • ROLEX-1614: Extend Install API to expose module identification configuration
  • ROLEX-1681: Introduce API to export and re-import recipes including their module update definitions, systems distribution sets, meta data, and tags allowing for easy migration of a recipe to another tenant
  • ROLEX-1681: Add recipe export functionality to the UI, allowing users to either download a recipe or copy it to another tenant


  • ROLEX-1648: Extended input validation for recipes incl. name, description, id, and version

Bugs fixed

  • ROLEX-1685: Fix accepting duplicate update-reports leading to redundant entries