Bosch IoT Rollouts

Release Notes - Tue, 11 Feb 2025 08:26:12 GMT

First recipe type specific validator

As the recipe type journey continues, the first recipe type specific validator is introduced. While this release already presents the validator in the details of the recipe type, creation and modification is only possible via the Management API yet.

New features

  • ROLEX-1896: Move total artifact size validator from tenant specific validation to become the first recipe type specific validator
  • ROLEX-1896: Introduce recipe type details blade in UI allowing to manage a recipe type
  • ROLEX-1898: Enhance recipe type details with read-only details view of total artifact size validator
  • ROLEX-1918: Introduce Error logs API as part of the Management API allowing to retrieve information about faulty system- and update-reports


  • ROLEX-1908: Enchance recipe file import by introducing new import modal dialog allowing to alter type, name, version, and description
  • ROLEX-1916: Enhance recipe template helper by allowing to include software module metadata
  • ROLEX-1921: Enhance recipe template helper by providing metadata value for given key with fallback values
  • ROLEX-1916: Extend recipe template helper for software module metadata to only include metadata visible to targets

Bugs fixed

  • ROLEX-1917: Fix cloning recipes and adapt validation pattern for module update definition queries
  • ROLEX-1920: Fix updating and deleting recipe metadata not having any effect
  • ROLEX-1882: Fix filter recipes by no_tag in case paging (next-cursor) is used on Install API
  • ROLEX-1923: Fix security issue (information disclosure) where system modules are globally unique (instead of tenant unique) leading to failed system identification if a module already existed in another tenant due to a unique constraint violation on the module identifier
  • ROLEX-1897: Fix missing tooltip label when selecting search type in Systems UI