Bosch IoT Rollouts

SOUP Features


Preface: Modules vs. Targets

In the context of a system an updatable device is called a module. This differs from the Bosch IoT Rollouts terminology where target is used to address not only a device, but also a complete system and particular parts of a device.

System repository

  • System management: Manage systems consisting of a gateway and multiple updatable and non-updatable modules.

  • System identification: Algorithm and options on how a system is identified by a set of modules.

  • System lifecycle: Handle creation of systems and modifications on the set of modules within the system.

Recipe management

  • Recipe lifecycle: Differentiates between draft, release-candidate (limited access for testing), released and retired.

  • 4-eyes principle: Require an additional approval for releaseing recipes.

  • Signatures: Detect undesired modifications of released recipes.

  • Recipe file: Customizable recipe transformation to a format which is understood by the system's gateway - default transformation/example:

System update management

  • Recipe match: Identify the latest matching recipe for a specific system.

  • Flexibility: Enable online and offline update scenarios.

  • Update history: Track the latest known state of a system including the

  • Compliance: Concepts to support the delivery release-notes and retrieval of user consent


  • Graphical user interface for managing systems and recipes.

  • HTTP/REST APIs (with Swagger documentation), in particular:

    • a user-facing API for managing and listing content,

    • a device facing API exposing recipes and software to be installed on systems.


  • Bosch.IdM integration

  • Bosch IoT Rollouts Auth - OAuth2 clients

  • Bosch User Hub + Single Key ID