Bosch IoT Rollouts


Bosch IoT Suite

The Bosch IoT Suite provides middleware capabilities needed to build sophisticated IoT applications from top to bottom. It is provided as a set of cloud services.

Bosch IoT Suite website

All pages visible in the www to an anonymous user (as well as web crawlers etc.)

E.g. It presents the service catalog for general information


An asset can be anything from a tangible and physical device to the more intangible such as a system or the reputation of a company.
In our context, we define an asset as any item, entity, application or even system of applications that can be registered at the Bosch IoT Suite.

Suite authorization

The Bosch IoT Suite portal provides authorization functionality like creating OAuth2 clients.

Developers can define Clients for a specific Scope.

This component is not subject to be made available as the other Bosch IoT Suite services, but is usable implicitly for all service instances subscribed as a package.

OAuth2 client

An OAuth2 client is created and managed in Suite portal. It grants access to one or more subscribed services. The client consists of client ID, secret and scope. This information is provided as configured into a client application. The client application uses the client to get a token from the Suite authorization token endpoint.

Authorization token endpoint

The endpoint (URL) to request authorization tokens. The tokens can be requested according to the OAuth 2 spec RFC 6749. See
At the time of writing, we support only "Client Credentials grant".

Suite authorization token

The Bearer token issued by the Suite portal - authorization token endpoint. The token authorizes access to service APIs.

Bosch IoT Rollouts


Requested operations for the targets. Usually a software update. Other supported actions are the cancellation of a running update action, or a refresh request for target attributes.

Action Status

Status information of an action which can be provided by the target. This can be the start of the action lifecycle, the end, or update notifications in between.


An Artifact is a file of any types which has been uploaded to Rollouts. It may contain firmware, an application, or a link to external artifact references.

Auto Assignment

Targets, which match a Target Filter, get a Distribution Set automatically assigned.


Term used in DDI API for a Target.

Device Management Federation API (DMF API)

AMQP based API for indirect device integration via an external device management

Direct Device Integration API (DDI API)

Polling based HTTP API for integrating devices

Distribution Set (DS)

A Distribution Set defines a meta package that combines a set of software modules which have to be provisioned entirely (e.g. OS X Ver X. JVM Y ver. Y, AH Z ver. Z).

Distribution Set Type

A Distribution Set Type is an abstract definition for DS that defines which types of Software Modules can be added (optionally or mandatory). A DS is considered complete, if all mandatory Software Modules are present. Only complete DS can be assigned to a Target.


Device that indirectly connects other devices with Rollouts.

Gateway Security Token

Security Token of a Gateway to authenticate multiple targets (which are behind that Gateway) with Rollouts.

Management UI

The management UI of Bosch IoT Rollouts as part of the common Bosch IoT Suite UI. Includes the following UI features: Actions, Targets, Rollouts, Software modules, Distribution sets.
Available at for EU1 users and for US1 users.


Metadata is key-value based information which can be freely modified for describing and identifying DSs and SMs.


Software update on (a large set of) devices in a managed and defined way.

Security Token

A 32 alphanumeric character security-token. Can either be a Gateway Security Token or a Target Token.

Software Module (SM)

A Software Module is a logical bracket for a set of Artifacts based on a defined Software Module Type.

Software Module Type

A Software Module Type is an abstract definition for a SM that defines whether it is Firmware or Software. A DS can only be assigned to one SM of type Firmware, but multiple of type Software.


Tags are strings used to describe and identify Targets and DSs.


A target is a device one can assign software to. (a.k.a. Controller)

Target Attributes

Attributes are key-value based meta data information send by a target and stored within the Rollouts server. On the server-side they can be used for identification and classification of targets based on their properties, e.g. hardware revision, serial number.

Target Filter

Filter targets by a defined query. Target Filters are used for Auto Assignments or to select targets for a Rollout.

Target Token

Security Token of a Target to authenticate with Rollouts.

Target Type

A Target Type is an abstract definition for Targets. It contains a list of Distribution Set Types which defines if a Distribution Set is compatible to a Target.